Power Your Business


Power Your Business

All the tips and resources you need to improve your service and grow your business—in one place.

How to Build a Strong, Unified Company Culture

As a business owner, you know that company culture exists, whether it’s of your own design or not. We’ve all seen the implications of an underdeveloped company culture: Employees take it upon themselves to create a culture of their own, and that doesn’t usually end up promoting the values or goals a carefully crafted and modeled company culture would. In
May 9, 2024

The Top 5 Tools for Startups

Startup founders sometimes feel like they’re doing everything alone, even when they have a great team. Where is help with specialized tasks when you need it most? There are a variety of apps and tools available today that exist solely for the purpose of making it easier to run your startup or business. For specialized tasks, like email marketing, creating

How Do I Know How Many Virtual Receptionist Minutes I Need Per Month?

It can be tricky to determine exactly how many virtual receptionist minutes you’ll need each month, especially if your call volume fluctuates or if you’ve never used an answering service before. Not to worry! We have the perfect process to help you determine how many virtual receptionist minutes you’ll need each month. We’ve helped hundreds of clients pinpoint their virtual

What Is An Answering Service?

What is an answering service and what does it provide? Who uses an answering service? An answering service is designed to replace or supplement a traditional, in-house receptionist. An answering service can handle a company’s phone calls, appointments, and customer inquiries from a remote location. A quality answering service negates the need for an in-house receptionist, but some businesses choose to use

Voicemail vs Written Messages – Which is Better for Your Clients?

When a client calls and you’re not available, its important to know what they might prefer as far as leaving a message goes. Sometimes, there isn’t an option and its either a written message or a voicemail. Let’s take a look at the positive and the negative of both. Leaving a Voicemail There are many benefits to leaving a voicemail.
April 11, 2024

Are You Losing Money Because of Missed Calls?

Missed calls can be very hard on a business, especially a smaller business. Just one missed call can cost thousands of dollars or even more. You never know when that one big client is calling or the one that makes a small purchase, which leads to many more in the future. Often, businesses don’t realize how much money they may

Virtual Receptionist Skills – Phone Etiquette and Customer Service

A virtual receptionist can be a very important member of your team. However, if they don’t possess the necessary skills and phone etiquette, they may not be the best choice. There are several services offering full-time virtual receptionists to help with your incoming calls. These services can ensure you never have to miss another call, set appointments, take orders, forward/transfer

4 Quick Vacations Business Owners Can Actually Take

It’s important to get away sometimes, but you may not be able to leave your business for two weeks or even a full week. Every entrepreneur needs a break. Here are four of the best vacations you can take to get a break from your business for a few days. A Cruise If you live near a cruise port or
March 21, 2024

Can a Salon Survive Without a Receptionist?

The salon industry is one of many that regularly employ front desk receptionists to take calls and manage appointments. If you own a beauty salon or barber shop or are in the process of opening one, you’re probably concerned about cutting costs wherever possible without sacrificing the quality of your services. You might have assumed that hiring a receptionist is the

Five Phrases you Should Never Use with a Client on the Phone

You love talking to your customers on the phone and making them feel great about their interaction with your brand. But sometimes, brands fail at customer interactions because they’re using the wrong phrases on the phone. There are some phrases you should never use with a client on the phone, though they may sound harmless at first. Every interaction with